The 1st edition of India Connect will be held on7 & 8 February 2018 in New Delhi following popular demand.
The event will unite international carriers, network operators, ISPs, cable operators, IXPs, content providers, data centres & cloud SPs, aggregators, vendors, regulators & Government bodies with the entire local telecoms market in India and the Indian subcontinent.
India Connect will bring a mixture of C-level conference discussions, networking activities, hosted receptions and back-to-back meeting platforms to help generate new business and reaffirm existing partnerships.
With rapid network and service growth projected in India and the Indian subcontinent, and international carriers eye balling routes into India from Russia, Europe, Middle East and Asia, as well as the exponential increase in data consumption in the region, India Connect will be the perfect meeting point for businesses to penetrate one of the most important future global telecom hubs.